Splinters in your arse.

Why is it that I think today’s decision by the independents is going to get us nowhere ?

On one side there was the radical ratbag Bob Katter who called it early. “I’m going with the coalition”. No surprises here folks.

Tony Windsor was next up, short and sweet really ..
“Yep I’m going with the ranga” or words to that effect.

Then along came Oakeshott. Bloody Hell…… Hey Rob, it’s fifTEEN minutes of fame not bloody FIFTY, and in the end you insinuated that there is an offer on the table for either the position of speaker or a ministerial position “which had no influence on my decision” …….. OH RIGHT.

Someone please explain to me why someone who is elected as an Independent in an electorate that has always been conservative, can ignore the status quo and blatantly fly in the face of the way the electorate has always voted.

Why is the title “splinters in you’re arse”? I just figure that fence sitting will be a popular pastime in the current term.

I’m bamboozled. BUT …… my RAPT party will run at the next election.
Rangas Are People Too !!!!